Let's Break the Ice!

I'm mostly giving shout-outs to artists, but anything goes!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Sunday Part II: Downtown

As much as Steph and I would have love to keep exploring the canal and reveling the fantastic artwork, we were on a time limit to see the downtown area and make it back to the shuttle on schedule (remember, we are not Indy natives).

So we kept trudging along, stopping at Steak 'n Shake and breathing in the excitement from the air (or maybe that was just the drunk people).

 Look! I won the Superbowl and I can hold it with one hand! 
 Steph's picture looks so much more epic than mine!
 A shot of the archway leading towards the main attraction.
 The police officer's horse took a liking to me, I think! (that's a double chocolate fudge shake that I'm drinking.  If you have a Steak 'n Shake nearby, I highly recommend you go there.)
  This is actually a very good picture that Steph took, she's quite the photographer!
Juggalos! These guys were hanging out next to Elmo, who was wearing a Peyton Manning jersey.

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